Monday, January 18, 2010


DE Bench (deload): 5x3 @ 60% 1rm
Dips: 50 reps in as few sets as possible (25, 22, 3)
Pull Ups: 30 reps in as few sets as possible (10, 8, 7, 5)
Prowler Jogging: 40 yards; 50 lbs; 6 trips

Deloading this week so I didn't use any extra resistance on my bench and lowered the sets a bit. Stayed all body weight on my assistance and went for high reps. Prowler was tougher than I thought it was but it was good to get a good sweat rolling and breathing heavy.

Tomorrow on my ME lower I will probably hit singles at about 80-85% of my 1rm, do some light posterior chain work and call it a day.

Face Diet is going well. No bad carb cravings or hunger. I am already a few pounds lighter. This is probably 95% due to water loss. When carbs enter a muscle they pull water with it. When carbs are used the water is also taken out. I am going to be taking in as much sodium as I can to offset this. Water retention in the muscle is an often overlooked aspect to strength. The fuller your muscle is the more leverage you will have. Thus, when your muscles are full you have a higher strength potential. I say potential because there are obviously numerous other factors that go into how strong one is in a particular lift in a particular training session. Physiological and mental aspects are also at play.

It's science, it's boring, but it's a part of my life. -Ron Burgundy

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