Monday, February 1, 2010


DE Bench: 8x3 @ 155
Standing Press: 115x8; 165x5,4,4
Dips: BW+35x35
Fat Bar Pull Ups: BW+ 25x20
Rear Delts: 2 sets
Hammer Curls: 2 sets

Due to some schedule changes I had to rush through this session. This never puts me in a good mood. I hate feeling rushed during training. I never feel like I can get into a good rhythm and I'm usually in a sour mood. This is totally pointless and unnecessary because I always get done what I need to get done and am no worse for it. Just need to stay positive with my attitude. Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. That's little Jeff Voris maxim for you. This one is free, but the next one might cost you.

I finished the book Bluebeard by Kurt Vonnegut last night. I have always liked Vonnegut's fiction, his characters, and the way he tells a story. Bluebeard is one of those existential stories that is full of coincidences for coincidence's sake. There are a number of parts in the book where the fictional author says, "if such and such didn't happen, then this wouldn't have happened, and on and on." One example is Rabo Karabekian, the main character and author of the autobiography the reader is reading, blames the eye he lost in WWII on a huckster that swindled his parents out of their money and sent them to America years before he was even born. There are other parts where so and so just happened to be the son of so and so. Or so and so just happened to be at this particular location at this particular time due to this particular circumstance. Needless to say it is a very interesting read.

I myself have had had many such fits of existentialism. There have been times when I thought, "what if I had joined the Marines out of high school?" or "what if I had gone to Whitewater?" or "what if my Great Grandfather George hadn't listened to his girlfriend, gone on that rum run for John Dillinger and ended up in jail?" and on and on ad infinitum. Your's truly wouldn't be typing this right now and you wouldn't be reading it either, that's what would have happened. Of course it is impossible and almost just as pointless to speculate on what might have been, but it is so tempting and sometimes interesting how radically different our lives might be.

On another note, I am extremely sore today. Ass, hammies, groings, pentas (one bigger than a quad). I gots the lunge-ass. It hurts. I'm hoping most of it clears up by tomorrow. I gots to squat heavy tomorrow. Until then. HOLD FAST.

A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. -Malcolm X

1 comment:

  1. Troy... training takes place in the 6 inch wide gym between your ears... OR... if you were given 8 hours to chop down a tree you should spend 7 sharpening your axe... OR... Mental is to Physical as 4 is to 1. That last one is my favorite cause Timmy still doesn't get it.
