Monday, February 15, 2010

Holy Schnikies!

DE Bench: 8x3 w/175lbs bar weight
3xnarrow grip w/ 2 chains/side
3xmed grip w/ 3 chains/side
2xwide grip w/ 4 chanis/side
Standing Press: 3x5 @ 170
Weighted Dips: 5x10 w/ 35lbs
Fat Bar Chins: 2x8; 2x6 w/35lbs
Cable Cross Rev. Flys: 3x12
DB Complex: Burpee Snatch, Renegade Row, Pushups

I don't know where to start or where to begin. Bench felt good. Chains threw me off a little bit. I need to be more stable at the top with the chains swinging around. Presses, Dips, and Chins all went off without a hitch. DB Complex left me breathing heavy and sweating hard, which is nice.

Now I want to introduce you to someone whom I look up to in the sport of powerlifting. His name is Doug Young.

As you can see from the picture the man sweats testosterone from every pore. No comb in the world could contain the badge of manhood he proudly wears across his entire chest. Not only that, the dude was balls-ass strong. Competing in the 242 lb weight class his best competition lifts include a 722 lb squat, a 610 lb bench press, a 738 lb. deadlift, and a 2017 lb. total. All this was done before weightlifting gear like squat suits, and bench shirts were even invented or used in competition. Shit that guy was strong.

Sadly Doug passed a few years ago from a massive heart attack. I read somewhere it happened while he was eating. Definitely a noble way to go.

Now, not only was Doug stronger than three week old piss, but he had a physique that any man would be proud to sport. I haven't told anybody this, but it is my goal to someday look and perform like Doug Young. I'm not going to be naive and say he did it totally natural, but a guy can chase a dream can't he? Vince Lombardi said, "We are going to chase perfection knowing full well we will never achieve it. But in the process we will achieve greatness."

To look like you are the strongest guy in any room you walk into in your entire life is one thing, but to look and be the strongest guy in any room you walk into is a whole other. That is my goal. If anyone tries to shit in my cereal on this one, I'm done with you and your negativity.

"I don't do tricks. I'm not going to lift cars for people. I'm not a clown." -Doug Young


  1. Troy- do you eat cereal with shit in it? Will that make me stronger and put more hair on my chest? If so lets go out for breakfast, I would definately eat your over developed shit-Giff

  2. Giff, I excrete straight anabolism. You would be able to handle the rapid growth. I'm talking skin tears.
