Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Lots of stretching, rolling out, and power plate action
Incline Treadmill: 20 mins
More rolling out and stretching

Today was nothing special. I'm going to try to do lots more corrective work. I have always fallen into the trap that when my mobility is good I don't need to stay on top of it. Then I get tight and have to start all over.

Something that has been on my mind lately is this low calorie beer crap. One thing that many people don't understand is that alcohol has 7 calories per gram. There are only so many carbs that can be taken out of the beer to reduce it's caloric load. The calories that are then taken out are from the alcohol. To me this is useless. This is probably due to the fact that alcohol companies are not required to place nutrition labels on their products. If they did then people would be able to compare different nutrient and alcohol values.

If the alcohol content is reduced then people will just drink more beers. Here is a dialogue from two friends, Lance and Morgan, in college. At the time Lance was thinking about dropping some Lbs.


Lance: I'm going to start drinking Michalob Ultra. You know, drop some pounds.
Morgan: Lance, you defeat the purpose of low carb/calorie beer when you drink 22 in one night.
Lance: You're right. Fuck it.

Not only is it crap that alcohol is taken out, but the taste is also reduced. I can't speak for everyone else, but I would rather drink full flavor/ calorie beer then watered down reduced claorie swill.

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