Friday, March 11, 2011

Thursday and Friday and Something That Grinds My Gears


Fat Bar Push Press: 213x3, 225x1, 135x10, 155x10

Lat Pull Downs: 3x20
Face Pulls: 3x20

Tricep Pushdowns: 3x20

Prowler: 90 lbsx20 yardsx8


Snatch Grip Deadlift: 396x1, 440x1

Rack Pulls (bar just below knee): 445x5,5,13

Single Arm Row: 100x8, 110x8, 120x15

Zottman Curls: 3x8
Shrugs: 3x8

There has been a recent spate among some friends and I of us getting our identities stolen.  While I was in Wausau I got a call about a bunch of fraudulent charges on my check card.  In the couple weeks since I've been back three other friends have had the same thing happen to them.  If I were President here is what I would do with people that get caught doing this:

My fellow Americans,

If you are caught stealing identities in any fashion a huge catapult will be built facing a large body of water.  You will be flung way out into large body of water.  If you make it back, welcome back but you better keep your nose clean.  If you get caught again then a large catapult will be built in front of a large brick wall.  You will be flung at full speed into the brick wall.  If you survive, welcome back, but you don't get any of that delicious health care that your hard working upright citizens receive.  Instead your wounds will heal terribly, if at all.  You will live a life of unending, blinding pain.  You will pray for a death that will not come.  You will be kept alive just so you can feel more pain.  Steal my identity.  I dare you. 

Sincerely, The Motherfucking President.

If you're going to be some piece-of-shit thief at least do it in a way that would be somewhat respectable.  Be a pirate on a wind powered ship.  Ride into a bank on a horse with your six-gun barking fire.  Start a motorcycle gang and wreak havoc where ever you go.  Don't sit at your computer like some fucking nerd and steal thousands with a key stroke.  I don't think a person could be a bigger coward.

Song of the Day:

"The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be." -Lao Tzu

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