Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Training and A Disturbing Trend

Jump Rope: 500 skips

Fat Bar Bench: 225x5, 245x4, 265x3, 285x2, 295x1

Single Arm DB Press: 60x5, 70x4, 80x3, 90x2, 95x1

Chins (various grips): 8x5 body weight

Face Pulls: 2x15
Hammer Curls: 2x8
Skull Crushers: 2x12

650 lb Tire x 5 flips
Prowler x140 lbsx20 yards

all x 4

Jump Rope: .5 kiloskips

Everything felt pretty decent today.  Last couple of sets on bench felt good and fast.  My lats and upper back are still a little trashed from dead lifting on Friday so the chins were done with just body weight.  Conditioning is steadily improving.  I'm trying to do a little bit more each time and it seems to be going well so far.  I'm liking the jump roping as a warm up and cool down.  I used to jump rope a ton when I boxed but hadn't really done much since.  I'm starting to find my foot work again and it's actually kind of fun moving around with the rope.

This morning I was polishing the ivories and I heard a commercial for a weight loss pill that claimed people could shed pounds of fat in days instead of weeks.  All the while they didn't have to change a single thing about their lifestyle.  I almost punch-kicked the mirror in a fit of red hot, Rage-a-Hol fueled fury. 

The magic pill in question has the all powerful green tea extract in it as well as who the hell knows what else.  I will admit that green tea extract has some proven ability to aid fat loss, but it can't do it alone.  It also can't do it in the presence of a shitty diet and a shitty work ethic.  Which is exactly the point of this rant. 

Everyone wants a magic bullet.  No one wants to do the work and get their hands dirty.  Everyone wants the destination.  No one wants the journey.  When it's so much easier to just take a pill why would anyone want to get up and move around and at the same time eat less?  Because a lot of people are weak-minded and operate in a world of wishful thinking.  They want things done for them.  They so want for their to be an easy way to get what they want without actually having to do anything.  Some want it so bad they will fall for and believe just about anything that is thrown at them. 

The weight loss industry and the supplement industry as a whole are rife with snake-oil salesmen.  The FDA doesn't regulate any supplements or weight loss products.  This means that those companies don't have to substantiate their claims with any kind of evidence.  They don't even have to use the ingredients they say are in it to make it.  I could put rice flour in a capsule and tell you it will cause you to shed fat, build muscle, increase brain power by 50%, cause you to give off a pheromone that is irresistible to the opposite sex, make you taller, grow your breast or penis size, allow you to levitate, and give you a personal connection to God.  All in one all-natural pill!  And guess what?  The FDA couldn't touch that shit with a ten foot pole. 

If something sounds too good to be true it more than likely is.  If you are looking for a way to lose weight effectively eat a little less and move a little more.  It's a lot simpler than many would make it out to be.  But do not confuse simple with easy.  Losing weight and getting into shape is hard, it's just not very complicated.

Song of the Day:

"Wishes don't wash dishes." -American Proverb

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