Saturday, February 5, 2011

Thursday and Friday


Squats: 405x2, 455x2,2, 475x2

Pause Squats: 315x3, 365x3, 405x3

Glute Ham w/ Orange Band: 3x10
Cable Crunches: 3x12


High Incline Press: up to 195x3

Bench: 3x6 @ 225

Bent Rows: 3x8

It's kind of a sad yet relieved time around these parts.  My grandmother, Beverly Dequaine, passed away Thursday night after battling Alzheimer's Disease for many years.  I definitely see a lot of my grandmother in my dad which in turn puts some of my grandmother in me. 

Grandma Bev to me was this tough Bavarian broad who didn't take any shit from anyone.  She could drink my dad under the table, was not afraid to reprimand her grandkids, ate sugary stuff like she got paid to do it, and did it all while only weighing about 105 lbs. and not having the use of the right side of her body.

When she was about 15 she was holding a pen in her mouth.  This wasn't some ball-point dime-a-dozen pen.  No, this type of pen probably wouldn't be allowed on airplanes today due to it's ability to stab the shit out of anything.  While holding the pen in her mouth she fell off of the porch she was standing on and the business end of the pen went through the back of her neck and mess up some nerves.  Ever since she's walked with a noticeable limp and her hand has been clenched, much in the same manner as Bob Dole.

This little mishap however didn't stop her from marrying a badass dude in his own right, my grandpa, raising three kids, and helping raise five grandkids and at most recent count five great-grandkids.  Damn.

I also blame my grandma for my portliness as a kid.  My sister and my cousins would go there during the summers while our parents were at work, so she would feed us during the day.  For breakfast it was a lot of Frosted Flakes or Wheaties or Corn Flakes, always with a bunch of extra sugar.  Usually there was some cantaloupe as well, of course there was extra sugar.  If you had room there were plenty of doughnuts and other pastries to fill in the cracks.  For lunch, grilled cheeses were the main delicacy.  Dessert was either some Little Debbies or some Macaroons.  Solid nutritional practices as you can see.  But that was the way she showed her love.  She made food.  I'm not upset, I loved going over there.  And she always made good on it by saying, "Have you lost weight?  You look taller." anytime we hadn't seen each other in a while.  That always sent me soaring.  She knew all the right strings to play.

Now that she's gone and I've been thinking about her a lot I've been remembering a lot of great times with her.  I'm sad that she's gone, but these memories will stay with me forever.  Even though she hasn't really been the same the last couple of years I'll always remember how she was when I was a kid.  Love you grandma.

"Let's just split one(a beer)." -Grandma Bev to my dad as she proceeds to drink his ass under the table.

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