Saturday, April 23, 2011

Don't Come 'Round Drinking That Haterade

What you just watched was a mortal named Benedikt Magnusson deadlift 1,015 lbs with only a weight lifting belt and chalk for supportive gear.  This was done on 2 April, 2011 and is by far one of, if not, the greatest lifting achievements of all time.  The man just lifted a half-fucking-ton.  Picked it up off the ground and held it in his hands.  Fucking brutal with a capital B. 

What is equally unbelievable is the amount of Catch U Next Tuesday-ness that is flying around the Interweb because of this.  I've been reading some conversations on some lifting forums and some of the things being said make my blood boil.  The worst, in my opinion, are from the Crossfit and Starting Strength crowd.  There are some that say, "Yeah, but what will his joints feel like when he's sixty?  Crossfitters are healthy and experience no adverse side effects," or, "Yeah, but he's going to have health problems carrying all that extra weight."  No shit, Sherlock.  Being the best at anything requires much sacrifice in the present and in the future.  I forget who said it but an American Olympic javelin thrower once said, "If you've never been hurt you probably suck."  The best is by far, "Yeah, but what's his Fran time."  I guarantee Benedikt Magnusson does not give two shits or a fuck what his Fran time would be.  I almost just typed something about my stance on Crossfit.  It wasn't good.  I erased it because then I would be a hypocrite.  Not all Crossfitters are that way.  Suffice it to say, "Yeah, but..." is the mating call of the loser-douche, not just some Crossfitters.

Then there was a very well respected strength coach that said the way he rolls the bar to him before he pulls it isn't optimal.  I get it.  He doesn't want a lot of young trainees emulating Benni's style if it will adversely affect them.  But for fuck's sake give the guy his props.  The man just lifted more off the ground than any other human being in history. 

There are also people out there going, "Well, he's built to deadlift.  He's fat.  It would be a disappointment if he didn't do it."  I get it but I don't.  When it comes to something this big let it be what it is.  A major fucking accomplishment.  This brings me to my point-at-large.

Haters gonna hate.

I know this guy.
We've all known them.  We've probably all been one at some point.  Most of them are probably your family and friends.  Haters are one of the biggest obstacles to progress out there.  They see you trying to better yourself as an insult to them.  They see your success as a way to rub their noses in their own failure.  They cannot wait to see you fail.  Instead of bettering themselves with you or just being happy for you they want you to share in their misery.  If you've ever tried to lose weight amongst fat people they are the people that make backhanded compliments and try to get you to cheat on your diet.  If you've ever tried to build yourself up through weightlifting they're the ones that say it's bad for your joints and give you snide remarks about "always going to the gym."  Losers every last one of them.

At the end of the day you have to do what makes you happy.  You have to make your own decisions.  You have to separate the wheat from the chaff.  Ferret out who matters and who doesn't.  Blaze your own trail.  Be your own person.  Be strong and above the vitriol of losers with nothing better to do but try to bring you down.  As Paul Carter says, "Spend time with the people that are going to cry at your funeral."

There are a few ways to deal with haters.  You can either listen to them and believe them and never get any better.  You can let them know in a not-so-nice tone that this is your new life.  If they don't dig you have to cut them loose.  If you don't they'll only drag you down.  There is another option and this is probably the least messy.  You can just not give one shit one way or the other what they think.  Hopefully they get they message and keep their mouths shut.  Who knows maybe they'll start coming to you for advice on how to start down the path you've already traveled. 
All that is easier said than done.  Whenever I hear a legitimate hater and not a buddy giving me shit I want to scream at the person for their weak mindedness.  You don't like your life?  Fuck you, change it.  You think I somehow cheated to be where I'm at?  You're cordially invited to fuck off.  You want something that you don't have?  Better grow the brass set it takes to get it.

In the end everyone takes some shit for the things they like to do.  If you put any kind of concerted effort towards these things or experience any kind of success be prepared for a hate storm of possibly epic proportions.  It's human nature.  People want what they don't have but are unwilling to work for it.  And if you are otherwise healthy and like to sit on the couch, eat processed, shitty foods, don't exercise, and bitch and moan about being tired all the time or say you are a "prisoner in your own body" and do nothing to change it then I've got nothing but hate for you and your lifestyle.  That's just how I roll.

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