Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday- PRs Abound

Snatch: 176x2, 198x1, 203x0,0,1(PR), 176x5 singles

Axle Clean and Jerk: 198x2, 220x2 singles, 242x1, 264x1 (PR)

Pendlay Rows: 3x10
RDLs: 3x10

Barefoot Sprints: 40 yards x 10

Today's training session would be filed under the good 10%.  Two PRs in one session might be a PR tie in and of itself.  I didn't walk in feeling like it was going to go this way, but sometimes the stars align and shit goes right.  I'm feeling good but I need to keep it in perspective.  I've got a ways to go to get to where I want to be.  Nose to the grind stone.

Missing the 203 snatch twice then getting was a great exercise in mental focus and rage.  I need to thank all the shitty people I've ever known for contributing to that PR effort.  I concentrated all my rage onto the bar and got it up.  I couldn't have done it without them and their rage inducing effects.  I doubt any of them actually read this blog.  They are mostly made up of reality TV personalities, shitty musicians, and people I haven't interacted with in years.  Mostly.

The axle c&j felt really good.  I think I could have done more.  The clean is the tough part.  I do what is called a continental clean.  I pull the bar up to the upper part of my belly, then "clean" it to my shoulders.  Either way PRs feel good.

Now it's time for metal.  And food.  And a shower.

Song of the Day:

"Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records." -William Arthur Ward (Fuck yes, Mr. Ward.)

1 comment:

  1. VERY proud of you for your inner motivation.
    Great job on the PRs!
