Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday- Wheels

Dead Lift: worked up to 475x6+1+1+1

Front Squat: worked up to 245x6+2+2+2

Hill Sprints: x8

Abs: four minutes of bullshit

It's a beautiful day today and West Allis Barbell is open for business.  I love training outside.  Just being in the open air really gets me motivated.  Music doesn't hurt either.

Tomorrow is the big BBQ.  I'm pretty excited about it.  On the menu: burgers, brats, hot dogs, wings, and lots of beers.  That and some great friends is all you need for a great BBQ.

Song of the Day:

"In the Barbecue is any four footed animal -- be it mouse or mastodon -- whose dressed carcass is roasted whole.... at its best it is a fat steer, and must be eaten within an hour of when it is cooked. For if ever the sun rises upon Barbecue, its flavor vanishes like Cinderella's silks, and it becomes cold baked beef -- staler in the chill dawn then illicit love." -William Allen White

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