Saturday, September 25, 2010


Log Clean and Press: 5x5 ended with 160ish

Bent Row: 3x6 @ 260ish

Lateral Raise: 3x10

Band Pulls: 3x30

Wrist Curls: 2x25

I"m going to deload next week.  I'm still a touch sore from squatting on Tuesday.  This is one week before I had hoped to plug a deload in but it's ok.  No big problem.  Everything felt pretty good except I'm feeling a pinch in my lower left back.  I think my glutes are just tight and it's causing a little irritation in my sciatic nerve.  Just need to stretch and roll it.  Time for football and food.

Song of the Day:

“Thy fate is the common fate of all; Into each life some rain must fall." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


  1. funny thing, during our workout i actually thought to myself...i could go for some LTJ. get out of my head!

  2. Strong bent over row, well done.
