Sunday, September 19, 2010


Bent Row: 245x5x2

Chins (various grip): 5x5

Band Pull Downs: 3x30

Lance, Eric, and Joe all came over to train.  Lance had a bit of the bottle flu and wasn't even going to train.  He decided to cowgirl up and he ended up hitting a PR on the overhead press.  It's weird how it works that way.  There have been days when I've been sick or hungover as hell and would go in not expecting much.  Then, I have a great session.  I'm not advocating getting sauced up the night before an important lift, just that sometimes you have to get shit done in spite of how you feel. 

On another note I'm really liking just doing a lot of upper body pulling on my third day.  It keeps me fresh and gives me some extra work on a muscle group a lot of people could bring up.

Song of the Day:

"You can't get much done if you only work on the days you feel good." -Jerry West

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