Sunday, June 13, 2010

Weekend Recap

Holy productive weekend Batman!  This was a damn fine weekend for sure.  I had some fun.  Got to be around some great people.  And I got some stuff done that I've been putting off for a while.  Weekends like this don't come around too often.  Mostly because I get lazy when I have shit to do.

Saturday I got some training in before Matt and I drove up to Oshkosh for Nic's wedding.  I was definitely a little unmotivated for some reason.  I think I was just tired...and being a baby.  I got in what I planned to do and not an ounce more.

Deadlift: 425x6+2+2+2
Front Squat: 255x6+2+2+2

After training Matt and I drove up to Oshkosh.  Our friend and co-badass trainer Nic was getting married to his lovely fiance Hillary.  The ceremony was short, sweet, and very beautiful.  Seeing Nic cry as Hillary was walking down the aisle was very touching to say the least.  The man obviously loves and cares for his wife with all his heart.  Very sweet.  I was also a fan of Nic and Hillary doing some non-traditional things as well.  After they kissed they did their own handshake and walked out to a very nice, upbeat song.

After the ceremony Matt and I grabbed some food and made our way back to the hotel where we met Brad and had some brewskis waiting for us.  We sat around, bullshitted, drank, and ate some food.  Pretty much sums up the rest of the ceremony.  Matt did however put some legwork into talking to a girl with a longtime boyfriend.  Whoops!

On our way back we decided to stop at Old Country Buffet for breakfast.  It never ceases to amaze me the levels of apathy and self pride in buffets.  There is a lot of one and not a lot of the other. 

I got home today, Sunday, at about noon and immediately attacked West Allis Barbell.  I bought a squat rack a few weeks ago and finally got around to setting it up.  Previously there was a stone platform along the north wall of the garage.  That has since been removed which freed up space for the rack.  I moved the glute ham bench, the olympic platform, and the weight trees around to compliment the rack.  I also hung up two of the most bad ass flags ever created.  If I can't get jacked to squat looking at those two draperies of awesomeness, I don't deserve to squat.

Here is a before picture from a while back.

Here it is now.

I'm pretty happy how it turned out.  I still need a bench though and I may need to move the platform back to accomodate it.  Other than that it's got all I need to get strong as hell.

Song of the Day:

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Leonardo da Vinci

1 comment:

  1. My most fulfilling workout of the weekend occured 1 hour ago when I ate half a bag of peanut butter and pretzel M&M's, I feel the burn.
