Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Squat: 435x6+2+2+2

Good Mornings: 205x6+2+2+2

Calf Raise: 3x15

Abs: 3x12

Carry and Drag (Carry 165 lb. keg 30 yards, drag 220 lb sled 25 yards): x4

IT Band continues to taunt me.  I roll and roll and roll and stretch and it still gives me shit until about my last set.  It messes with my head because I'm never really certain about the last set even as I get under the bar.  It kills at lighter weights so I think it's going to prevent me from going heavy.  Not sure what to do other than start rolling out more than just around my workouts.  Starting tonight I'm going to start rolling before bed.  Just five minutes and then it's enter sandman.

The carry and drag series was pretty brutal.  The keg isn't anything too tough, but oh, that sled.  My VMOs (teardrop muscle just above the knee) were begging for mercy.  They wanted out like a fat kid in gym class.  It was a good finish to the training session.  After this I was dripping in sweat from the humidity in the gym.  A kid asked me if I had gone outside in the rain due to my hair and shirt being soaked.  "Nope," I replied, "Just getting more awesome."  End of conversation.

Song of the Day:

"He who moves not forward, goes backward." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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