Sunday, August 29, 2010


Question: How many reality shows about cakes can America stand?  Answer: Seemingly unlimited. 

The website counts six.  I will admit when I don't feel like thinking and really just want to hear some ambient sound and stare into the middle distance cake shows are there for me.  It's no secret that I love cake.  Chocolate, vanilla, yellow, funfetti, red velvet, that shit is all good.  If you, however bring coconut near me you will wearing that abomination unto the lord.  Jesus hates coconut anything.  It's in the bible.  Leviticus I believe.  What the glut of cake shows is symbolic of though is the endless non-creativity of mass media, especially reality based shows.  If one show has a modicum of success then it is copied ad nauseum.  No one wants to think and be original anymore.  Same with movies and music.  I don't know the exact numbers but it seems like every other movie that comes out is either a prequel, a sequel, a remake, or a squeekuel (fucking Chipmunks).

When it comes to music the quickest way to get on the radio is to make a shitty cover of a great song.  Case in point:

Don't let America's fucked up sense of patriotism sway you.  I fully support our troops.  They are willing to sacrifice something I and many others simply would not.   I do not, however, support this song.  Look the band up on the interwebz.  They get worse.  Much worse.

Ok, rant over.  3-2-1, 1-2-3 what the heck is bothering me?  Big breaths.  Urge to kill...fading. 

Here's what I trained Saturday.

Snatch Complex: 3x3

Walking Lunge: 3x20 yards
DB Shoulder Press: 3x15

45' Back Extension: 3x10
Neutral Grip Chins: 3x5

Face Pulls: 3x15
Reverse Grip DB Curls: 3x10
Side Crunches on 45' Bk. Ext: 3x10 each side

That kind of looks like I just threw a bunch of shit together when I got to the gym.  There was however a method to the madness.  Here's a breakdown of why I did each exercise.

Snatch Complex: Work on force production; work my mobility through overhead squat portion
Walking Lunge: Glute/hamstring insertion point is weak; mobility work through single leg variations
Shoulder Press: not training barbell overhead press; want cannonball shoulders
45' Back Extension: Lower back erectors weak/tight; hams and glutes can always use some good work
Neutral Grip Chins: neutral grip gives you greatest biomechanical advantage; lats and upper back need strength
Face Pulls: work external rotators of shoulder to prevent kyphosis, impingements, and other shoulder problems
Reverse Grip Curls: Grip/forearms
Side Bends: Obliques important for core stability when squatting and deadlifting

So there you have it.  So many emotions involved in this post.  You should have seen me typing it.  Crying, laughing, yelling, cowering, indifference, I'm pooped.  Before you go I need your help.  I want to start writing more informative posts.  Articles if you will.  What I want from you folks is to give me ideas on what to write about.  What is something you want to know?  Want my opinion on certain subjects in the strength and fitness industry?  Want to learn about some awesome guys and gals from days gone by?  Want some motivation?  Ask away.  You can either leave a question or topic in the comments or email me at  If you guys don't ask anything then it's all going to come from my head.  I got a lot going on up there.  Be ready.

Song of the Day:

“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.”
-Herman Melville

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