Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tuesday, Day 3 Post Rapture

Clean: 284x1, 308x 3 huge embarrassing failures

Overhead Press: 135x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5, 185x3, 135x8

Clean Pulls: 3x5

Pendlay Rows: 3x8

Shrugs: 4x15
Curls: 3x8

Very blah session.  Things were OK, nothing great.  Cleans remain an enigma.  I think squats from yesterday affected my pull from the floor.  So it goes.

Now on to this Rapture business.  May 21 came and went without a hitch, except for a small volcano eruption in Iceland.  But it's Iceland, they don't count.  Harold Camping, the head honcho at Family Radio, and his misguided band of believers have been saying for months that the Rapture would come on May 21 at 6 pm and take 200 million pious souls to heaven.  The rest of us would have five months of agony to endure before the Earth was consumed by a massive fireball on October 21.  Well, that didn't happen.  Now Camping is claiming that the REAL Rapture will happen on October 21.  That this was like a spiritual Rapture to test who was a believer and who was not.  Whatever.  The real issue I have is that there were people that sold everything they owned, maxed out credit cards, and drove cross country expecting this to happen.  Well guess who's got a whole bunch of egg on their face now?  Now these people are destitute because some loony 89 year-old spewed a bunch of nonsense on the radio.  In my opinion, serves 'em right.  If you actually are hoping for the end of the world I think you are fucking insane.  I try as best as I can to be tolerant of people's beliefs, but when something flies in the face of reason I call bullshit.  If I end up in an eternal hell so be it.  If the emperor has no clothes I'll bite the bullet and say so.  Besides, this is the real reason the Rapture didn't and won't ever happen.

Thank you "Macho Man" Randy Savage.
I'll snap that to a Slim Jim.  OH YEEEAAAHHHH!

Song of the Day:

"The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason." -Benjamin Franklin

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