Monday, May 9, 2011

A Nation Of Eunuchs

eu-nuch noun
  1.  a castrated man placed in charge of a harem or employed as a chamberlain in a palace
  2. a man or boy deprived of the testes or gonads
  3. one that lacks virility or power
I'm going to come right out and say it.  I hate hipsters.  I don't hate them because of the clothes they wear or the music they listen to.  I don't hate them because they major in areas of study like philosophy or studio art or creative writing.  I don't hate them because they cling to the ironically funny things in life like old school lunchboxes, thrift store t-shirts, and stupid black frame glasses.  I hate them for two other, unrelated reasons.
  1. They have co-opted Pabst Blue Ribbon beer, my go to cheap beer in college.  This drove up the price and made me go even further down the food chain to Pabst Genuine Draft.  Only bad things happen when drinking that bottom of the barrel swill.
  2. They are typically shallow, spineless, and in a perpetual state of pre-adulthood.
This article isn't solely about hipsters though.  This article is about the feminization of men in society.  It's about that breed of man that doesn't do anything unless they are told.  They don't stand for anything.  They float through life, never rock the boat, never release the inner animal in them.  They live their lives in a way that destroys the thing that makes them men.  And worse, they listen to the people that tell them they are wrong for being a man.  Fuck that. 

Gender equality is one of those tricky subjects where one better be careful of what they wish for.  The more the line is blurred between what roles a man and a women play the more it takes men out of their natural element.  I'm all for gender equality.  But to me it's a two-way street.  Gender equality isn't about losing what it is to be a man.  It's about one sex not being dominant over the other.  I think women that are aggressive and can put the bitch hat on in an instant but are still feminine are great.  In other words, I think women should be more like men, not the other way around.  Or, even better, accept that men and women are, and always will be, different from each other.

How has this happened?  There are a number of factors that I can see.

The Eats

Soy: You know how there are people that believe the Devil put dinosaur bones in the ground to trick us into believing in science and facts and stuff?  Well, I think he actually put soy on Earth to trick us into thinking that this cheap, easy to grow legume was good for us thereby turning us into a bunch of sad-sack pussies.  Soy contains isoflavones which are plant hormones that have similar effects of estrogen in humans.  This basically knocks a mans sex hormone production all out of whack.  It leads to things like man boobs, testicular shrinkage, weight gain, and crying into a gallon of ice cream while watching A Walk To Remember.

Xenoestrogens: These are nasty little man-made compounds.  The two most famous are DDT, an insecticide, and BPA, the thing that makes plastic unshatterable.  These compounds also behave like estrogen in the body.  They also lower testosterone.  A double whammy.  BPA is found in a lot of plastic bottles, especially the thin throw-away ones.  They can also be released into your food if you reheat things in plastic containers.

The Media

I'm probably not the best resource to comment on mass media seeing as how I consume minimal amounts of it.  But from what I've seen in the past I think I can make some fair assumptions.  Take the typical family centered sitcom.  Think about the usual character dynamics at play.  You've got the ne'er-do-well husband who provides for the family yet is usually made out to be a buffoon and is emasculated daily by the wife that usually doesn't work but still thinks she is the "head of household."  She easily plays the husband like a fiddle using the one note that she knows will always hit home: sex.  And the withholding thereof.  Whenever there is an argument out comes the sex card and bam, argument over.  Husband apologizes, loses some dignity and self-respect which he'll never get back, and the audience claps like the sheep that they are.  Ratings gold.

The same goes for advertising.  We are shown more and more ads of effeminate men.  Generally small waifs that couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag.  Not the ideal picture of virility.

You look sick, brah.
I really hope upon hope that this isn't what women really, deep down find attractive.  I think that the only reason why they go for these types of males is because they are easier to push around.  The guy in the above picture looks like the sensitive, in-touch-with-his-feminine-side, type of guy.  You got a problem with his behavior?  Sorry hunny.  I'll change.  He's not an aggressive, virile, masculine, stand-for-what-he-believes-in type of guy.  Well ladies, you've gotten what you wished for.

In his book, Manthropology, David MacCallister points to a number of studies that show that women feel that stronger more masculine men are better sexual partners and the smaller less masculine men to be better husbands and fathers.  Part of this is because women see a man's strength and virility as a liability to herself.  In other words, she's subconsciously worried he's going to cheat on her or flat out leave her.

The Society

This is the biggest and most pervasive of all.  Everything now has become PC this and go green that.  I'm really sick of it.  Kids can't play tag at recess because of its nature to single out the kid that's "it".  Little boys are put on Ritalin when they are just being inquisitive and rambunctious little boys.  Men are guilted into thinking that violence, having a few beers, going out with the guys every now and then is a horrible thing and that all men are pigs. 
When I think about the equalization of the genders in America I see it as more of a bringing down of men to elevate women.  It's gotten to the point where men can't act like men without being called a pig or a chauvinist or a misogynist.  And it's gotten to the point where boys and the "men" they eventually become are falling behind in every category.

In The Decline of Men Guy Garcia points out that girls are outperforming boys in school, not because they are brighter, but because of the way classes are taught to address their learning needs more so than boys.  Part of the problem is that boys that lose interest when their needs in schools aren't met are being lumped into special-ed programs.  Gary Giribaldi, a high school teacher, points out that their aggressive, rational nature has been redefined by liberal educators as a learning disorder.  Boys want a rational answer to things and when they don't get it they tune out.  He also points to the ever increasing PC nature of the education system and the textbooks it produces.
  In today's politically correct textbooks, Nikki Giovanni and Toni Morrison stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Mark Twain, William Faulkner and Charles Dickens, even though both women are second-raters at best. But even in their superficial aspects, the textbooks advertise publishers' intent to pander to the prevailing PC attitudes. The books feature page after page of healthy, exuberant young girls in winning portraits. Boys (white boys in particular) will more often than not be shunted to the background in photos or be absent entirely or appear sitting in wheelchairs.
Because of this falling behind in grade school men are now falling behind in higher learning as well.  Garcia points out that women outnumbered men on US university campuses by two million.  Schools like Kenyon College have started affirmative action for males due to the gap.  Women's salaries have also been on the rise while men's have remained stagnant and even declined in some industries.

How Did This Happen?

That's an easy one to answer.  We, men, let it happen.  Why did we let it happen?  Because it's easier to go along with it than to put up a fight even if we know it's wrong.  The more we are told that being a man is some lower form of life, the more we start to believe it.  There's nothing wrong with being a man.  There's nothing wrong with being a little wild now and then.  That's not to say that men should be savages.  But every once in a while we men puff out our chests, use logic instead of our emotions to guide us, shoot a rifle or two into the air, build stuff we don't need because we can, and laugh at farts.  It's who we are.  It's in our blood.

I'm not going to buy into the backwards feminist notions of "a real man is in touch with his feminine side" or "a real man isn't afraid to cry" or "a real man paints his girlfriend's dog's toenails when she tells him to."  Some guys will do anything to get laid.

Ladies, We Need Your Help

Ladies, think long and hard about what kind of man you are attracted to.  Be honest with yourself because you have the power to swing things back in the right direction.  Are you attracted to the foppish dandy pictured above?  Or do you like a guy who is strong, assertive, and gets shit done?  Do you like your guy to have zero body hair and wear guyliner?  Or do you like a few straight and curlies on the chest area to run your fingers through?  Do you want someone you can pushover and have no respect for?  Or do you want someone who will stand up for himself, tell the truth no matter what, and will work with you to get shit done.  If you answered yes to the lady boy description is it because you are truly attracted to them or because you feel it's fashionable to do so?  Again, be honest with yourself.

Yes, this is a male.

This, however, is a man.

So what I'm trying to say is that in my estimation there are two kinds of guys in the world.  There are the guys that are able-bodied enough and willing to move your couch or change a flat tire, and there are the guys who know the number to Two Men and A Truck or AAA.  Which one do you want?  And if you want the guyliner guys that's fine.  I want nothing to do with you either.

Kim du Toit The Pussification of the Western Male

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