Friday, November 11, 2011


I'm writing this post on Friday morning, 11.11.11.  A lot of people are getting married today.  Cool.  But more importantly it's Veteran's Day.  I want to say thank you to all of those that have heard the call and served our country.  Without you I wouldn't be sitting in my heated house, drinking coffee, and game planning for the weekend.  I'd probably be taking a shit in an alley somewhere like some kind of goddam animal right before I got in the bread and soup line or something.  We have it easy peazy lemon squeezy in this country and we have our veterans to thank.  So again, thank you.

It was also the Marine Corps birthday yesterday.  236 years young and still putting boots to asses.  Semper Fidelis.

Yesterday I just worked up to my first attempt on bench (265) and it felt pretty good.  After that it was just some chins, dips, push ups, and arms.  Nothing special, just keeping it light and easy before Liftageddon 2011: The Wreck-oning.

In honor of Veteran's Day here's a link to an article that I wrote about an American soldier who I am eternally thankful was on our side.  This guy's story is the kind of stuff they use in movies.  Oh wait, they did!

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