Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Clean and Jerk:

10 Rounds of:
Front Squat: 315x1
Fat Bar Push Press: 205x1

Front Levers: some sets x some reps

Weighted Slide Board Leg Curls: 3x15

Power Wheel Walks: 30, 20, 20 yards

I apologize for the lack of updates lately.  After I did the meet with Lance and Nic at NX Level a few weeks ago I haven’t really felt like recording my training.  I’ve been training pretty much every day but no two sessions have been the same.  One day I’ll dead lift and bench and the next I might just do seated pin presses.  I’m just going by what I feel like doing when I get started.  I haven’t been going heavy every day and it’s really helped me to keep moving forward without having to take a break.  My light days usually consist of calf raises, biceps and triceps, shrugs, and sometimes neck work.  These exercises require a relatively low amount of motor units to be used and help to keep me fresh.  I’ve also tried to really cut down on my assistance exercises on my heavy days.  I go heavy on 2-3 exercises and get out.  When I do add in assistance it’s usually higher reps with moderate weight.

I’ve also been on a diet since November 14th.  Lance and I are doing a fat loss challenge and we’ve got a lot riding on it.  The loser has to buy the winner’s choice of food for our Super Bowl get together.  I started at 209 pounds and 13% body fat.  I’m right about 200 pounds now and if I had to guess I’m just creeping into single digit territory.  I’m feeling really well right now.  I’m still as strong as I was before it started and my energy levels haven’t really crashed at all.  I’d post some progress pics but I forgot to take a before picture and bathroom selfies are about the lamest thing a man can do. 

The main reason that we are doing this is that I’m writing Lance’s diet on a week to week basis and I figured he could use some help/motivation to keep him on track during the holidays.  He’s doing really well and it should be a tight race.

With the update out of the way I’m rededicating myself back to the blog.  I’m going to start trying to write everyday even if it is stuff that doesn't end up getting published here.  I’m hoping to be able to consistently bust out 2-3 new articles every month.  I’m also going to shift my Twitter feed back over to training and nutrition tips and info.  Right now it’s just me trying to be funny which doesn’t happen too often.  So click the follow button on the right for some good bits and pieces of advice.  I’ll also be putting up links to some of my old articles in case any new readers haven’t checked them out.

That’s all I got for now.  Stay tuned for lots more content to come.  Keep training hard and if anyone has questions or comments I’d love to hear them.

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