Friday, January 20, 2012

The Week So Far

I've been deloading pretty good this week.  Really hammering away on mobility issues namely my quads, hip flexors and TFLs.  My back has been jazzed up lately and is still giving me some static but it feels OK right now.  I attempted to do some heavier stuff today.  The back held up fine.  I just need to be conscious of it and give it time to heal up.

Safety Squat Bar: up to 275x1, 185x5x3

Front Lever Tuck Holds

Dip Bar Holds

Wall Walk Up and Overs x 5

Rather than me explain it, here's a video.  Sorry about it being sideways.  Not used to taking video with my phone.

Going to do some more mobility stuff this weekend.  Hope everyone has a good one!

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