Wednesday, May 4, 2011


The first six weeks of Operation Increased Swole Time are over.  If I had to rate it on a scale of 1 to awesome I'd give it a pretty good.  I've increased my mass, I've hit some big PRs, and I've stayed relatively injury free.  My weight started at around 212 pounds and I'm now at about 221.  I don't think I've gained too much fat but I know I've put on a little.  Here's a run down of some PRs I've set in the past six weeks.
  1. 306 power clean (just done today)
  2. 208 and 220 snatch
  3. 305 fat bar bench
  4. 265 axle clean and press
I'm pretty sure that's it.  There might have been more. 

Here's where I'm going to get real.  I felt awesome for the first four weeks, but the last two I felt like 30,000 smashed up assholes.  My right lateral line (perineals, IT band, and TFL) hurt constantly, my left psoas and patellar tendon has been inflamed for a few weeks now, I had little motivation to train and my perceived strength went into the shitter.  So last week I kept things light and easy and took an extra day after my Florida trip to recover.  Those pains aren't completely cleared up but they are much more manageable.  And I feel that my strength is there now that I've rested a bit and switched some things up.

Moving forward.  I'm going to cut back on my poundages and focus on speed and work in more volume.  This will hopefully keep me fresh and prevent me from over reaching like I had been doing.  In other words I'm going to let the numbers come instead of grinding them out every single session.  Now on to today.

Cleans: 242 x bunch of singles, 286x1, 306x1 (PR)

BTNPP: 155x5, 175x5, 185x5, 205x5, 225x2, 155x12

Clean Pulls: 3x8

Shrugs: 4x15
Inverted Rows: 4x10

Light conditioning

Today I had plans to do some light cleans and really work on technique.  Once I fixed a few things the weight felt super light.  So I went up to 286 and that went as easy as its ever felt.  I decided to strike while the iron was hot and went to 306.  Smoked it.  I celebrated with a single, silent, arm pump.  Sometimes it works that way.

Song of the Day:

"You never know what is enough until you know what is more than enough." -William Blake from Proverbs from Hell


  1. "a single, silent, arm pump." <-- awesome

    when's your next competition my friend?

  2. Probably not until November. I got some weight to gain.
