If you live in the Midwest then you no doubt felt Autumn's last gasp this past weekend. The temperature dropped almost forty degrees in the course of about twelve hours on Sunday. This is nothing new this time of year in this part of the country.
I trained on Saturday afternoon and was bare chested by the end of my session. By Monday I was in multiple layers. If you are one of the few trainees that must train in an unheated space here are some tips to ensure your training sessions are not negatively affected by the weather.
Leave The Tough Guy Ego At The Door
Dress for the occasion. You want to wear enough to stay warm, but not so much that your movement is restricted. I trained bench tonight and I had two pairs of socks, flannel pajama pants, sweat pants, Under Armor Cold Gear turtleneck, thermal shirt, hooded sweatshirt, winter hat, and gloves. This is the only time you'll see me wear gloves to train. The feel of the bar in your hands is way different and a bit unnatural. I'd rather use my bare hands, but a frozen bar leads to frozen hands and that would make the bar feel even worse.
Drink Coffee Before You Train
Coffee is a great pre-workout drink. Very inexpensive and gives you the same results as the high priced bullshit that supplement companies shill. The caffeine not only gives you a mental perk, it also ramps up your metabolism which raises your body heat. The caffeine also increases your pain tolerance which can be useful when training in less than ideal environments.
Take Extra Time To Warm Up
This should go without saying. I did my normal warm up for when I do upper body work but I intermittently threw in some jump roping. Nothing crazy, just 50-100 skips here and there until I had done about 500 total.
I also took more warm up reps when getting ready to bench. Here are my normal warm up weights:
Monday it went:
Again, it's nothing crazy; just a little extra movement before the heavier weights to get the blood flowing.
Use Short Rest Periods
I usually keep my rest shorter anyways but today it had a little more meaning. Using shorter rest periods ensures that your body never gets too cold and stiff. Another way to stay warm between sets is to do some active recovery like stretching or rolling out the muscle groups you're not using. Between sets of bench stretch your hip flexors and roll your adductors. Between sets of squats stretch your pecs and lats.
Don't Take Off Clothes As You Get Warm
As you start to get warm this is going to be a common temptation but one that you should resist. Chances are you'll be sweating and taking off your top layers is going to expose the moisture to the cold. Bad idea. You'll probably become cold again within a few minutes. Keep the sweatshirt on and keep the warmth in. This is doubly true if you decide to wear a hood or a hat. Keep it on and keep the sweat away from the cold.
Keep Your Reps In The Medium To High Range
This is a two fold good idea. On the one hand higher reps means more movement which will create more heat to help keep you warm. And on the other using medium to higher reps prevents you from going too heavy on lifts that are notorious for injuring lifters that don't take the time to properly warm up. If you are going to go heavy be sure the heed the above tips or risk an avoidable injury.
QBAB (Quit Being A Baby)
Training with a purpose requires a certain degree of mental toughness to achieve anything meaningful. If you are unwilling to give it a go unless conditions are perfect you won't get a whole lot done. Anyone can train when the conditions are ideal, but the ones that are going to last are the ones that train when they are tired, when it's cold, or when they'd rather be going out or sitting on the couch. To quote Alex Karras,
"Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles."
Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds. – Henry Rollins.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
The Death of Hardcore
I'm going to get one thing off my chest right now. There is no such thing as "hardcore" exercise. There is impressive, there is masochistic, and there is unhumanly (Google is telling me that unhumanly isn't a word, but fuck that.). But there is nothing that even comes close to "hardcore".
To paraphrase Shelby Starnes, exercise is a luxury that we should feel lucky to be able to do. Hardcore is standing up for what is right. Hardcore is raising three kids the right way on your own. Hardcore is hanging out on the ocean for over a month and then surviving hellish POW camps for years. Hardcore is sacrifice and doing what absolutely needs to be done.
And to go along with that one does not go into "Beast Mode" or turn into a "Hulkamaniac" simply because you are lifting weights. You're lifting weights, not pulling a car off a trapped child.
Now I've been guilty of saying these things in the past. I freely admit the error of my ways. But growing older and gaining some perspective of where I stand in this world has led to my thinking that I lead a pretty charmed life.
Compared to the experiences of a lot of people past and present if you're reading this (or writing it) you live like little princesses. And it doesn't matter how much you dead lift or how fast you can ride a bike.
To paraphrase Shelby Starnes, exercise is a luxury that we should feel lucky to be able to do. Hardcore is standing up for what is right. Hardcore is raising three kids the right way on your own. Hardcore is hanging out on the ocean for over a month and then surviving hellish POW camps for years. Hardcore is sacrifice and doing what absolutely needs to be done.
And to go along with that one does not go into "Beast Mode" or turn into a "Hulkamaniac" simply because you are lifting weights. You're lifting weights, not pulling a car off a trapped child.
Do you even lift? |
Compared to the experiences of a lot of people past and present if you're reading this (or writing it) you live like little princesses. And it doesn't matter how much you dead lift or how fast you can ride a bike.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Remember, Remember....
...the first of Movember.
It's Movember first and I couldn't be happier. My Mo Bros and I are back for another year of kicking cancer in the balls. But in case you're all like, "Meh, cancer's not so bad. We should save the trees or donate to some shitty politician" I got some facts for you.
This year over 8,000 men will be diagnosed with testicular cancer with over 350 of them dying from it.
1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime.
28,000 men in the US will die of prostate cancer.
Some of the most important people in my life are men and those numbers scare me. Those numbers scare me because I don't want my man parts cut out and/or blasted with radiation. I want them happy and healthy and ready at a moment's notice when it's time to make this world a better place by passing along my seed. You know, pollinate some fucking stamens if you're into flower references.
So if you want to help rid the world of this scourge of a disease go to http://mobro.co/TroyDequaine to join or donate. This year I started my own team and right now it's a two-man wolf pack of myself and my Mo Bro Eric Ficek. If you want to join you'll be joining Team MDK. If you're a fan of the movie Demolition Man you'll know that MDK stands for Murder Death Kill. And that's exactly what we are trying to do to that bastard cancer.
Icy gazes are so much better with a mustache. |
This year over 8,000 men will be diagnosed with testicular cancer with over 350 of them dying from it.
1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime.
28,000 men in the US will die of prostate cancer.
Some of the most important people in my life are men and those numbers scare me. Those numbers scare me because I don't want my man parts cut out and/or blasted with radiation. I want them happy and healthy and ready at a moment's notice when it's time to make this world a better place by passing along my seed. You know, pollinate some fucking stamens if you're into flower references.
So if you want to help rid the world of this scourge of a disease go to http://mobro.co/TroyDequaine to join or donate. This year I started my own team and right now it's a two-man wolf pack of myself and my Mo Bro Eric Ficek. If you want to join you'll be joining Team MDK. If you're a fan of the movie Demolition Man you'll know that MDK stands for Murder Death Kill. And that's exactly what we are trying to do to that bastard cancer.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Brace Yourselves...
And with it comes my awesome mustache. November 1 is the official beginning of this year's Movember event. I haven't set up my Movember page just yet, but when I do all of you will hear about it.
In case you're unaware of the Movember movement it is a month long fundraiser wherein men, who are worthy of such a title, grow mustaches and raise money for prostate cancer and other men's cancer research and awareness.
I can hear people whining, "But why the mustache?" already.
Because it's a sign of solidarity among those in the movement. It's prostate cancer's Pink Ribbon.
And ladies, it's not just for the fellas. You all are more than welcome and highly encouraged to participate and help raise money and awareness. No mustache needed, but if you can grow one, more power to you.
Once I get my MoSpace set I'll be posting a link but for now head on over to www.Movember.com for info on the movement.
I hope to see some of you (if you're man (or woman) enough) rocking some bitchin' 'staches this year.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Some Recent "Research"
I’ve written about my reservations towards scientific
research, especially when it comes to topics in the fitness and health and
wellness spheres. Within the last six
months there have been three studies that have come out that at first glance
make you take a pause. They claim that
the things that you thought were good for you and beneficial to your health are
actually counterproductive. Sometimes it’s
the study authors that will make this claim based on their research and other
times it is the mouth breathing mainstream media that blows these claims way
out of proportion.
The mainstream media sure has a knack for ruining good
things and making people afraid of everything.
Let’s look at some of the claims.
The first is what I will refer to as the Red Meat Study
which came out in March of this year. In
this study the researchers followed over a 100,00 subjects and tracked their
diet via self-reporting. The researchers
found that the more red meat consumed the more likely you were to die from any
cause. In fact, each serving amounted to
a 13% increased risk of mortality. Here
were some of the headlines to come out from that little doozy.
Study: Red meat may
shorten life spa- CNN
All red meat is bad
for you, new study says- LA Times
Study: Red meat raises
risk of dying- CBS News
And on and on. Let’s
take a look at what I’ll call the Egg Yolk Study which was just recently
The gist of what’s being reported on it is that egg yolks
are just as dangerous to your cardiovascular health as smoking cigarettes. No doubt this led to a bunch of smug assholes
feeling all high and mighty for eating their lame egg white omelets.
No doubt there were similar headlines to the red meat study.
Here’s the thing about these “studies”. They were both observational studies that
relied on the self-reporting of its subjects.
They basically followed these people’s health histories and mortality
rates and then asked them what they ate.
It sounds nice but there are a lot of problems with this
First, observational
studies are also known as corollary studies.
This means that the researchers will look at the data and notice trends
like when people eat more red meat they tend to die sooner. But what the researchers don’t do and is
actually impossible is control for other factors that may play into that.
Most people that eat red meat tend to eat it
with a highly processed grain based bun and a cheese-like product and probably
some ketchup as well. Oh, and they’ll
have some sliced potatoes that were deep fried in rancid oil as a side. And probably wash it all down with a fully
sugared soda. And then go home and not
move for the rest of the day. But it’s
the red meat (that can barely be called meat) and egg yolks that are killing
Second, these types of studies have never been meant to
prove causality. And in my opinion it is
bad science and just plain irresponsible to not make that clear at the
beginning and in the conclusions of the research article.
Most news outlets that are going to report on the findings
are not going to read the paper and probably not even the abstract. But making it clear that there are serious
limitations to the scope and therefore the implications of the study could
possibly mitigate much of the misinformation that gets propagated on a daily
But it’s not the news outlets fault. Their main job is not to report facts. It’s to sell ad space. And add space sells at a premium on shows with
a high viewership. And a high viewership is built on
sensationalized stories like the ones above.
And the one below.
It was recently reported that a year of fish oil
supplementation has no effect on markers of cardiovascular health….In elderly
patients….That have already had a stroke and are on other medications to treat
the cardiovascular conditions….And only took one gram of fish oil per day….and
were participants in thirty cherry-picked studies to be reviewed out of the
literally thousands that have been published.
Step one: Open palm fully.
Step two: Apply directly to face.
Step Three: Repeat until no longer stupid.
I’m no cardiovascular
expert but as someone who consistently takes up to 10 grams of fish oil per day
and is relatively healthy even I could point out the serious flaws in that
study. They picked studies where the
participants already had one foot in the ground and only an insignificant one
gram of fish oil per day. Say that fish
oil is an ineffective treatment. Don’t imply that it’s ineffective as a
preventative measure.
But I’m done bashing on studies. There are a lot that are done for the right
reasons and are beneficial to the discussion on all topics relating to health
and fitness. Just remember that the old adage
remains true:
Red meat consumption and mortality: results from 2
prospective cohort studies. A, Pan et al. Arch Intern Med. 2012 Apr
J. David Spence, David J.A. Jenkins, Jean Davignon. Egg yolk
consumption and carotid plaque. Atherosclerosis, 2012.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
I'm Baaaa-aaaack!!
It has been mad long since I've hit you all with some happs in my life and for that I sincerely apologize. The biggest reason for that is that I had a routine for when I would write. It was always in the mornings before I went to work or in the evening if I had some free time. With my new job I start at 6 am every day so the mornings are out and I just haven't really had the motivation in the evening.
Well that shit is about to change.
I've turned a new leaf and I'm getting back on the writing wagon. I've got a few half written articles waiting to be finished and a few ideas submitted by faithful reader Bonnie. To kick this thing off I'll give you a few of the details of how my life has changed in the past two months.
I'm now working as a personal trainer at a chain gym called Life Time Fitness. The clubs themselves are very nice, high-end facilities. The locker rooms are clean, the fitness floor has a ton of equipment, and the members for the most part are very nice.
The biggest change from NX Level to this job is that I now work on 100% commission. I'm passed clients by some of the higher ups but it is still up to me to build my business and sell myself to the members. I had minimal sales experience at NX Level because for the most part it never really felt like selling. All I ever did was tell people what we did as a facility. Nine times out of ten by the times I ever talked to a prospective client they had already made up their minds as to whether or not they were going to embark down a path of maximal awesomeness and train at NX. Not so much here. You learn real quick how fickle people can be regardless of their financial status. I feel I can do a great job at explaining my importance, but if someone doesn't want to change they aren't going to see it. My biggest opportunity lies in getting someone to that point of wanting to change. Once I do that then I think I'll see a huge uptick in business.
Not going to lie, I've been on cruise control for the past few months. Haven't really been trying to hit PR or anything. Just trying to keep the strength up. I made the executive decision to really change gears with how I've trained the last five or six years. I'm going to give training for size a shot. This will require me to back off of the weights a bit and increase the volume. I"m going to still keep some heavy lifts in, but the majority will be higher rep work. I'm doing some research on some different modalities and I think I've got a decent handle on it.
I'll be training four days per week. Day one is legs, day two is chest, triceps and calves, day three is back, traps and biceps, and day four will be shoulders and calves. I'm going to wave my volume and intensity so it won't be the same thing for three months but a vast majority of my sets will be in the 6-20ish range. I'll also have to up my calories, but I like to do that more by feel than anything else. Like anything I'm going to give it my and all and we'll see how it goes.
I've read two things lately, Jack and Shit. And Jack just left town. Reading is another habit that I need to get back into. I think once I get my business built at work I'll feel better about reading for an hour or so at lunch, but until then I'll just have to find time in the in between times.
I've been reading some stuff here and there but nothing too intense. That might be part of why I haven't written much. I haven't found anything that really piques my interest. I'll keep my ears to the ground but if any of you ever have anything you want researched send it my way and I'll try to get to it.
That's all I got for today. I promise I'll have some actual content for you by the end of the week. Huge thanks for reading. I really do appreciate the support.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
200 Pounds: Training and Poetry Slam
Monday: Back Attack
Pendlay Rows: 242 x 8 sets of 3
Face Pulls: 4x25
Mix Grip Chins: 4x5
Arms and neck work
Pretty average session.
Nothing crazy or special. Solid
Tuesday: Wheels
Squat: up to 425x1, 335 x 2 sets of 5
Trap Bar Jumps: 4 sets of 3
Barbell Reverse Lunges: 4 sets of 6 on each leg
Barbell Glute Bridges: 50 total reps
Neck: Flexion/Extension x 50 reps each way
DB Shrugs: 1 set of 50
Wednesday: Pressin’
Overhead Press: up to 175x3, 138x5, 108x11
Bench Press: 10, 10, 10, 7, 5 x escalating weights
DB Curls: 3x20
Band Tricep: 3x20
Squats felt weird on Tuesday. I never really felt comfortable with
them. I think the next piece of
equipment to be added to the Crushatorium is going to be a solid all-around bar
that can be used for squats, dead lifts, presses and just about everything in
between. Right now I have two Olympic
bars but one is bent and the other doesn't have knurling (the rough part of the
bar) in the middle which is important when low bar squatting.
I'm also adjusting to my girlfriend's mattress. It's a bit firmer than the one I've been
sleeping on the last seven years or so, so there will be a break in
period. And I still don't have my
belt. That all adds up to me being weak
as a kitten both in the squat rack and in my head. And it’s time for that shit to change.
Pressing in all variations is still pressing. They are definitely the slowest moving lifts
for me. The key for me is
consistency. I just need to keep doing
them and they will come up. I can’t get
discouraged because they don’t move like my squat or dead lift. They are what they are right now and will get
better in the future.
Poetry Slam
Many people would probably be surprised that I started
college as an English major. I've always
liked to read and write but decided early on in my schooling that I didn't want
it to be a career. I loved the idea of
pursuing a job where I got to lift and get sweated on all day instead
Even though I may appear to be a typical meat-head to those
that don't know me I still enjoy reading and obviously writing. And ever since I could remember I've always
liked poetry. I don't get into the
technical aspects of it and try to dissect it like it's a puzzle solved. Each poem means what it means to me even if
it is different from what the author intended, if the author intended anything
at all. In other words I'd rather
appreciate each poem for the feelings it invokes in me, not because it was well
So, with all that said I'm going to share some of my
favorite poems with all of you. I'll
share what they mean to me but that should in no way dictate what it means to
any of you. First up is Guillome
Apolliniare's Come To The Edge
"Come to the edge."
"We can't we are scared."
"Come to the edge."
"We can’t we will fall."
"Come to the edge."
And they came.
And he pushed them.
And they flew.
I get goose bumps every time I read that poem. Even typing it I was getting a few shivers. One of the things that I love about this poem
is how it says so much and is so powerful yet is so simple and brief. It speaks
volumes while saying very little.
Along with the goose bumps I get a rush of feelings of the
people that have pushed me to be better and fly throughout the years. From my family, to teachers, to bosses and
coworkers, all the people that have shaped who I am come back to me. I wouldn't be where I am without them. No one person is a vacuum. Everyone needs a push in the right direction
now and then. They need that friend to
tell them what's what. They need that
parent to challenge them to be independent and work for themselves. They need that boss to not let them fall into
a habit of complacency. In other words,
we all need a swift kick in the ass from time to time.
It may, and probably will, be painful and you will probably question yourself as to whether or not you are a good friend, parent, teacher, etc. But in the end things have a tendency of working out. We have to know that pushing that loved one off the cliff is not abandonment. We are forcing them to open their wings and fly. We are forcing them to live their own life, be who they are meant to be and to be free.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Weekend Update: 2 for 1 Special
Squat: 435x5, 315x16
Bench Press: 245x5 singles
Front Squat: up to 365x1
Dead Lift: 528x1, 572x0
RDL: 375x5,5; 265x15
Pretty damn good week of training this week. I finally got 435 for five. Next time I do rep work I’ll use 445 and stay
with it until I can do five. I’m kind of
doing the same thing with the 315 except I want to hit 20. Then I’ll move up to something in the 345-365
I went a little off the res on Friday. I’ve been kind of just plodding along and
letting my numbers increase organically instead of forcing them to go. Not Friday.
I actually missed my first attempt at 365 on Front Squat. I had the bar a little too high on my neck
which must have been pinching my jugular.
Unracking the bar I felt fine but once I sat down with it I started to
see black. In that situation there is no
being a hero. I threw the bar forward
onto the safety pins and fell backwards a little. With a little prodding from Jake I got back
on my horse and made that shit happen.
Dead lifting felt great up to 528. By then I was starting to putter out strength
wise. I was debating between going to
550 or 572. I threw caution to the wind
and the wind threw it right back at me.
I got the bar off the ground but lost my posture bad and just let the
bar go. Even today (Sunday) my glutes
are all locked up from it. Live and
I was a mixed sack of emotions last week, which was my last,
at NX Level. I was excited about what
lies ahead; nostalgic about all my great NX Level memories, and genuinely sad
about leaving the people that I’ve built friendships with over the past six
year. I had a number of clients express
how much of a positive impact I had on their lives and how I inspired them to
be better than they were. This is the
highest compliment anyone could have paid me. What they may not know is that I found my
passion through them. Seeing the look in
someone’s eyes after I help them feel or move better is like a drug to me. Thank
you to all who made my time at NX Level some of the best years of my life.
Squat: 405 x 5 singles
Bench: 245 x 10 total reps
Clean and Press: 176x1; 154x2x2
Single Arm Row: 100x8x4
Single Arm DB Press: 40x10x4
Snatch: 176x1; 154x3 singles
BTN Push Press: 176x5x5
Trap Bar Dead Lift: 375x5x5
It’s done. It’s
finally done. Well, not totally done,
but it’s a gym. The flooring is all put
in. All that really needs to be done is
for it to be insulated and then it’ll be a year round operation. Huge props to Amy’s dad, Don, for helping me.
He’s a bricklayer by trade so he was the
brains and much of the brawn behind the operation. I just did what I was told. He told me what to buy, where to cut, and how
to do a lot of stuff I’ve never done.
And we did it and I’m super proud of it.
Amy also had a sign commissioned for me.
I’d say I’ve got it just about made in the shade. All it needs now is for some action takers to
start pouring out their sweat to get better than they were yesterday. That, and a few other pieces of
equipment. All in due time.
![]() |
The Hometown He-Man Crushtorium. |
![]() |
The cardio equipment. |
With a fully functioning gym only a few steps away I’m going
to be experimenting a lot with my volume.
It’s not going to be much of a problem to do more sessions per week and
even multiple sessions per day. I’m
going to think about what exactly it is I want to accomplish and develop a plan
from there.
The Olympics are in full swing and I’m pretty excited. In other words I’ve got Olympic Fever! I love watching weightlifting and wrestling
for obvious reasons. I wrestled in high
school and have always enjoyed performing the Olympic lifts, the Snatch and the
clean and jerk. Other sports I’m keeping
an eye on are swimming and triathlon. I
trained a few swimmers who competed in the trials and also trained a woman
competing in the triathlon but I'll watch just about anything that's on. I wish good
luck and great skill to all those competing but I gotta throw out a USA! USA!
Thursday, July 19, 2012
An Open Letter To My NX Level Family
Dear NX Level Family,
As many of you know I will be moving to Chicago at the end
of July and will no longer be employed with NX Level. It was a hard decision for me to make, but
one that I feel will be extremely fulfilling. The camaraderie and friendship that I have built with all of you, I know, is
not something that can or will be found just anywhere. As such, I want to take this opportunity to
thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the caring, kindness, and
compassion you have shown myself and the rest of the NX Level staff over the
The last six years have been extremely rewarding and at the
same time, very humbling for me. Through
you I have found a passion for strength and conditioning and helping others
achieve their fitness goals. The fact
that you have trusted me to help you improve your performance, your health, and
your quality of life is not something I take for granted.
As I begin the next chapter of my grown up life I will take
with me and cherish the lessons and generosity that you have shown me. And even though time and distance will keep
us apart I feel great satisfaction that I can always call on any of you as a
friend, and you me.
My Deepest Thanks,
Troy Dequaine
Senior Performance Coach and Assistant Director
of Performance
Monday, July 16, 2012
Weekend Update: Training, Bachelor Party, and the Final Move
Squat: up to 485x1, 405x3 paused
Bench Press: 245 x 10 singles
Deadlift: 550 x 3 singles
RDLs: 375x5, 265x10
Bent Row: 155x8x4
This was another good week of training. The 485 squat felt smooth with fairly good
speed. I really like the three week
cycles I’ve been doing with my squat where week one is a 1RM, week two is rep
work, and week three is five singles with week one’s weight. But I think the biggest reason my squat is
feeling good is that I’ve been staying somewhat conservative with it and not
forcing the weight. I just let it come
and if it feels good I’ll do some more.
Hopefully I get back into the 500 range.
My goal once I’m there is to never get so weak that I can’t squat
500. Long term goal is 600 raw, but I
like where I’m at.
Deadlifting felt awesome.
I didn’t do a ton of warm-up reps, just one or two per warm-up set. The first two 550 singles were great with no
hitch or slow down. The third one I got
loose with my air before I pulled and ended up having to strain a little to get
the rep. No biggie, just need to focus
Bench press is still usual bench press. I’m trying some different things as far as
getting my right shoulder to not feel like a pile of goo and so far it’s been
feeling on the better side of ok. Not
out of the woods yet but definitely better than where it was.
My diet recently has been pretty solid during the week and
haphazard at best on weekends. My only
goal right now with that is to get stronger, maybe a little bigger, but stay in
the 200 range. By the end of the week I’m
usually around 197 or so and then the weekend will push it back up to the 202
range. Once my strength gains start to
slow down I’ll readjust what I’m doing, but until then I’ll be staying the
I went up to Wisconsin Dells this past weekend for my good
friend Lance’s bachelor party and it was a blast to say the least. Between Friday and Saturday night there were
about 14 guys that made the trip. Friday
we went to the local casino. I didn’t
play, I’m not much for gambling, but had a blast drinking beers and watching
the other guys play. One thing I don’t
like about casinos is the level of sadness in there. If you could harness that sadness into energy
you’d be a billionaire. Lots of
miserable looking people in that place.
Saturday afternoon we all went paintballing. I’m not going to lie; I’m the shit when it
comes to paintball. We got challenged by
another bachelor party in an elimination game.
At one point there were three of their guys against me at about 15 yards
apart behind wooden walls. Long story
short I got all three of them out. Don’t
really know how but I did it. I’m like
the John Rambo of paintball. At least
that game I was.
This weekend I’m making the final move to Chicago. I’m definitely excited for this next chapter
in my life. I’m going to be with the
woman I love and have great opportunities career-wise. It should be an exciting ride.
Other than that nothing is new on my end. I hope everyone had a great weekend and has a take no prisoners-style week.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Weekend Update: Training, Up North, and Freedom
Squat: 135x5, 225x4, 315x3, 405x2, 475x 5 singles
Bench Press: up to 245x 5 singles
Independence Day at
Iron Alley:
Power Clean: up to 205x3x3
Military Press: 165x3x3
Bent Row: 185x6x4
Front Squat: 135x5, 185x4, 225x3, 275x2, 315x 3 singles
Trap Bar DL: up to 527 x 3 singles
Training two heavy days per week has been going really
well. My numbers are slowly moving in
the right direction, my body weight is staying consistent and I don’t feel
trapped in by my program. It’s flexible
enough that if life gets in the way one day I’ll be able to get it in another
day. Training only twice heavy per week
also makes me look forward to training.
And when you only have two times per week to get your shit done you’ve
got no choice but to put out in those two sessions.
Bench press I’ve been playing ultra conservative on. I decided this week to bump my training max
(the heaviest weight I’ll use in a training session) to 245. It is going to stay there for a while. My shoulder feels ok while pressing but does
stay sore for a few days afterwards. I
still think my trap is the main culprit in this, but I’ll never know until I
put a real concerted effort into getting all the knots out. That may take a few rough massages
though. Much more than just a lacrosse
ball can provide.
I’m beginning to think that the slow cooker is one of the
better inventions ever. I don’t use it
as much as I could or should but I’ve never been disappointed by it. As long as you take the time to sex the meat
up with some spices and what not I’d probably never get bored with using
it. I’d never give up grilling meats,
but I definitely need to start experimenting with slow cooking more.
With the impending move to Chicago I’ve been shedding myself
of some of my earthly possessions. I’ve
gotten rid of a lot of clothes that I haven’t worn in a long time and a lot of
clutter that I haven’t used in years.
Let me tell you, it feels good.
It’s almost like losing a lot of weight.
Once all that useless clutter is gone you feel like you can move about
better, breathe better, and live easier.
There is definitely a good feeling at having plenty, but in the end it’s
just stuff.
I’ve been looking into minimal living and I’m nowhere near
that but the thought of it is attractive, especially the travelling aspect of
it. I am an over packer. Every time I pack for a trip of more than a
few days I get a case of the “just in case” syndrome. I bring things that I think I’ll need but
more often than not end up just leaving in my suitcase. I bring too many clothes, too many
accessories, and too much other stuff that I just don’t need. So I’ll be practicing consolidation and
trying to bring less on the trips that I have planned coming up.
On Wednesday we celebrated our nation’s independence from
British tyranny. I celebrated by lifting
at my friend Joe’s new home gym, Iron Alley.
I wore my American flag karate pants and no shirt.
Very nice set up he has there. He has a rack stand which is just the
business end of a squat rack. It holds the
bar and has a chin up bar and a dip attachment.
He also has a platform, some bumpers, a TRX and something that not a lot
of home gyms have, a glute ham. With
that equipment one has almost limitless options.
Lifting is like packing in a way. A lot of people try to pack in all this stuff
that they don’t really need thinking that it could be the magic bullet that
delivers them there goals. Consistent,
hard work on 2-4 core lifts and a few supplementary lifts and one can attain
almost any goal whether it be performance or aesthetic based. Keeping what you need and getting rid of what
you don’t is a good thing to put into practice in many areas of life, not just
lifting and packing.
I’m on my way home from up north where Amy, her son Tavian,
and I spent the weekend with my mom, Stepdad Pete, grandma Donna, sister Stacy,
and her boyfriend Manny. It was
definitely what I needed. Nice and
relaxing time on the boat, swimming in the river, and hanging out by the fire
pit. Lots of food, drinks, sunshine, and
great people is the recipe for a great time.
I hope everyone else had a great weekend and is ready to
kick the absolute shit out of Monday.
Make it great.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Weekend Update: Playing Catch Up, An Awesome 11 year-old, and the Hometown He-Man Crushatorium
This week's training only...
Squat: up to 455x1, 435x4, 315x15
Bench Press: 225 x 10 singles
Front Squat: up to 315 x 1
Dead Lift: 515x1, 455x 2 sets of 3
Single Arm DB Press: 82x3x3
I've been crazy busy lately. The secret is out that NX Level Sports Performance is pretty much the cat's pajamas when it comes to being trained by some studly, handsome, non-creepy performance coaches. Our Summer Rush started at work earlier this month and we've been jam packed with people looking to improve their fitness, performance, and overall awesome quotient. Last week I had an 11 year-old kid say to me, "I'd rather come to NX Level than go to practice four times per week because NX Level makes me stronger physically and mentally."
That kid is way ahead of the game in terms of getting "it". Sports and training aren't for everyone but the lessons gleaned from them can be applied across all areas of life. Especially the mentally tough part. Resilience is a commodity that seems to be in short supply these days. People would rather throw something out, whether it's a broken chair or a broken marriage, than put in the work to fix it. I just saw this quote today and it applies perfectly here:
"Falling down is how we grow. Staying down is how we die." -Brian Vaszily
Everyone fails. But those that learn and fail forward are the ones that come out on top. Think about that when things get tough.
Since I'm moving in a few weeks it was inevitable that West Allis Barbell was going to be closing its garage doors for good. But like a Phoenix rising from the ashes Amy's garage is no longer a garage and is now the Hometown He-Man Crushatorium will be taking its place. Big ups to Eric for coming up with the name. The Crushatorium is in the very early stages of development. There is still garage stuff in it and only some of the equipment is there. But in the coming months the floor and walls will be redone so that it can be trained in 12 months a year. If you are in the Chicago area and are looking for an awesome place to train let me know and perhaps you too can call the Crushatorium home.
June is definitely the worst month for NFL fans. Sick of the drama. Just want football.
Training two heavy days per week is going really well. It fits my schedule much better, I'm getting stronger and not feeling as run down as when I was four days per week. During the week I'll also try to fit in a few quick lighter workouts. I've actually had to talk myself out of going heavy and keeping things light. Being excited to train is key if you want to ever get better. Going in with a ho-hum attitude usually leads to Fuckabout-itis and ultimately diminished returns. The last thing you should do is try to jam yourself into a circle hole if you are a square peg. Find what works for you and what you enjoy and do it up.
As for me it's time for a dog walk and then some weight crushing. Have a great rest of the weekend.
Squat: up to 455x1, 435x4, 315x15
Bench Press: 225 x 10 singles
Front Squat: up to 315 x 1
Dead Lift: 515x1, 455x 2 sets of 3
Single Arm DB Press: 82x3x3
I've been crazy busy lately. The secret is out that NX Level Sports Performance is pretty much the cat's pajamas when it comes to being trained by some studly, handsome, non-creepy performance coaches. Our Summer Rush started at work earlier this month and we've been jam packed with people looking to improve their fitness, performance, and overall awesome quotient. Last week I had an 11 year-old kid say to me, "I'd rather come to NX Level than go to practice four times per week because NX Level makes me stronger physically and mentally."
That kid is way ahead of the game in terms of getting "it". Sports and training aren't for everyone but the lessons gleaned from them can be applied across all areas of life. Especially the mentally tough part. Resilience is a commodity that seems to be in short supply these days. People would rather throw something out, whether it's a broken chair or a broken marriage, than put in the work to fix it. I just saw this quote today and it applies perfectly here:
"Falling down is how we grow. Staying down is how we die." -Brian Vaszily
Everyone fails. But those that learn and fail forward are the ones that come out on top. Think about that when things get tough.
Since I'm moving in a few weeks it was inevitable that West Allis Barbell was going to be closing its garage doors for good. But like a Phoenix rising from the ashes Amy's garage is no longer a garage and is now the Hometown He-Man Crushatorium will be taking its place. Big ups to Eric for coming up with the name. The Crushatorium is in the very early stages of development. There is still garage stuff in it and only some of the equipment is there. But in the coming months the floor and walls will be redone so that it can be trained in 12 months a year. If you are in the Chicago area and are looking for an awesome place to train let me know and perhaps you too can call the Crushatorium home.
June is definitely the worst month for NFL fans. Sick of the drama. Just want football.
Training two heavy days per week is going really well. It fits my schedule much better, I'm getting stronger and not feeling as run down as when I was four days per week. During the week I'll also try to fit in a few quick lighter workouts. I've actually had to talk myself out of going heavy and keeping things light. Being excited to train is key if you want to ever get better. Going in with a ho-hum attitude usually leads to Fuckabout-itis and ultimately diminished returns. The last thing you should do is try to jam yourself into a circle hole if you are a square peg. Find what works for you and what you enjoy and do it up.
As for me it's time for a dog walk and then some weight crushing. Have a great rest of the weekend.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Weekend Update: Warrior Dash, Flippy Cup, and some Training
Squat: 455 x 5 singles
Bench Press: 225 x 5 singles
Hi Bar Squat: 365 x 1
Bench Press: 225 x 3 x3
Warrior Dash
Training was pretty OK this week. I decided to switch the squats up a bit on
Tuesday and used the Buffalo bar. It
doesn’t change the actual lift too much but it is a little easier on the
shoulders. I’m going to stay somewhat
conservative and not push the envelope too hard on squatting. Just going to keep plugging away and when the
numbers come they’ll come. I’m going to
try doing three week cycles that I just made up. Week one will be working up to a daily max
or, 1RM. Week two will be working up to
a 3 or 5RM. Week three will be five
singles and week one’s max. Then wash,
rinse, repeat using slightly bigger numbers the next week.
My right shoulder area (trap, shoulder, scapula, lat) is knot
city, especially my trap. The trap is
the muscle that sits above your collar bone between you neck and shoulder. When I bench my trap will pull my shoulder
and upper arm into an unwanted angle and mess up the rep. For the time being I’m going to keep my bench
press weight at 225 and below and just hammer away on technique and getting my
trap to relax during the lift. Taking
some time and working that stuff out will be much better than just pushing
through it and possibly hurting it. If I
were to hurt my shoulder all I would hear is Mr. Mister’s Broken Wings in my
I ran the Warrior Dash today with my girlfriend Amy and her sister, Mandy. I’m not much of a runner but these are definitely fun things to do.
If you are not much of an exerciser it is a fun thing to train towards since there are a lot of obstacles that require you to have some bodyweight strength to go along with the endurance needed to finish the race. However, if you are in the neighborhood of 150 pounds overweight then perhaps you shouldn’t do it. We passed two women who had to be three hundred pounds being prodded along by a woman whom I’m assuming is their trainer. They left before us and finished well after us. My best estimate says that it took them two hours to traverse 3.1 miles and a few obstacles. I give them credit for finishing but just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Just sayin’.
I want to wish my Flippy Cup team (which has been renamed
District 5 instead of Team MDK {Muder Death Kill} in my absence) good skill in
the Third Annual Joe Jarosz Classic.
We’ve lost in the finals to Team What the Flip? The last two years. Both years What the Flip’s? victories came tainted with an asterisk. Year one one of WTF’s team members got a little too drunk and was calling fouls on fill lines and anything else that crossed her fancy and many of WTF’s team members would just wander off between flips delaying the game. Eventually Eric and I just said, “Fuck it.” Year Two Team WTF competed with a pregnant team member who didn’t drink. It was apparently Ok’d by the rules committee but seriously, one of the challenges of the game is flipping the cup while inebriated. Hopefully this year tells a different story.
We’ve lost in the finals to Team What the Flip? The last two years. Both years What the Flip’s? victories came tainted with an asterisk. Year one one of WTF’s team members got a little too drunk and was calling fouls on fill lines and anything else that crossed her fancy and many of WTF’s team members would just wander off between flips delaying the game. Eventually Eric and I just said, “Fuck it.” Year Two Team WTF competed with a pregnant team member who didn’t drink. It was apparently Ok’d by the rules committee but seriously, one of the challenges of the game is flipping the cup while inebriated. Hopefully this year tells a different story.
I hope everyone has a great rest of the weekend. Stay cool it’s gonna be HOT!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Marlyn "Duke" Dequaine: 7.2.1927 -6.4.2012
On Monday my grandfather, Marlyn "Duke" Dequaine, passed away due to complications from a stroke. He was 84 years-old. You can read the obituary here.
My grandpa is a figure that I've drawn a lot of lessons from over the years.
Today we have people who will actively protest soldiers who protect their freedom to protest. He lied about his age TO GO TO WAR after his brother had been captured and taken as a P.O.W.
Today we have men who will collect unemployment instead of work because the only jobs available are "below them." He delivered mail everyday for years to support his family.
Today we have men who will belittle others simply because of an honest mistake. I've never seen my grandpa get mad and I'm sure he didn't have an angry bone in his body.
Today we have kids who hate to read and can barely hold a conversation for five minutes. He loved to read about architecture simply because it fascinated him. He could participate in conversations on almost any subject but was also happy to just sit back and listen.
My grandpa's life story isn't extraordinary. He just liked to read, collect anything and everything, watch Lawrence Welk, and be with his family. But he did the ordinary things extraordinarily well. He was an awesome grandpa and a better human being. He had a positive impact on everyone who met him and he will be missed dearly.
My grandpa is a figure that I've drawn a lot of lessons from over the years.
Today we have people who will actively protest soldiers who protect their freedom to protest. He lied about his age TO GO TO WAR after his brother had been captured and taken as a P.O.W.
Today we have men who will collect unemployment instead of work because the only jobs available are "below them." He delivered mail everyday for years to support his family.
Today we have men who will belittle others simply because of an honest mistake. I've never seen my grandpa get mad and I'm sure he didn't have an angry bone in his body.
Today we have kids who hate to read and can barely hold a conversation for five minutes. He loved to read about architecture simply because it fascinated him. He could participate in conversations on almost any subject but was also happy to just sit back and listen.
My grandpa's life story isn't extraordinary. He just liked to read, collect anything and everything, watch Lawrence Welk, and be with his family. But he did the ordinary things extraordinarily well. He was an awesome grandpa and a better human being. He had a positive impact on everyone who met him and he will be missed dearly.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Weekend Update: Training, College Kids, and A BIG Announcement
Squat: up to
Press: 135x5x3
Bench Press:
up to 265x1
Split Squat: 3 sets of 8
Squat from the pins: 6 singles at 305
Paired with
Chins or Lat
I’m only
writing down the two heavy days at this point.
I did some light stuff on Monday and Thursday but don’t really remember
what. I need to get back in the habit of
keeping a hard copy of my training.
Either way I was happy with how this week went. I’m not trying to push the intensity too much
right at the outset. I’m going to more
or less let the weight dictate itself depending on how I’m feeling. It’s more of a freestyle, self-regulated why
to train as opposed to having strict percentages to work off of. Neither is better than the other. Percentages give you a solid goal to work
towards. Almost like a challenge. Doing the freestyle thing is something that
takes a few years under the bar to really know how to work it. It also takes me not being a baby if I don’t
work up to the goal I usually have in my head before the session starts.
If you don’t
know it by now I’m a big coffee drinker.
Not to the point that I can distinguish between two different types of
brews and I’m also not going to be hanging out in Starbuck’s any time
soon. But I do love a solid cup of
joe. There is a lot of evidence coming
out right now that coffee could actually be considered a health drink. Blasphemy, you say? Well, here are a few reasons for its recent
- It’s
calorie free (when you drink it black.
Adding cream and sugar definitely change that.)
- It’s got
crazy tons of anti-oxidants
- The
caffeine makes you more alert during the sagging hours of the day
- It’s been
implicated in helping prevent certain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, certain
cancers, and women’s depression
So go ahead
and drink up. But obviously, don’t go
overboard. Caffeine addiction’ll getcha.
vindication! I was perusing one of the
muscle-mag websites I frequent and a very well-known (Christian Thibaudeau) bodybuilding
and strength coach talked about doing explosive movements after strength and hypertrophy work. I AM NOT the first person to try or champion
this approach. I had actually heard of
an Olympic weightlifting coach who would occasionally do strength work first
and then heavy clean and snatch pulls second.
That’s why I decided to give it a shot.
I liked it. You might too.
Being as it’s
now June we are starting to get our college kids back at the gym. I always like this time of year. The youthful exuberance of experiencing a
part of the world free from parental limitation is a refreshing thing to
see. To see kids that are excited about
learning and expanding their world-view, whatever it might be, gives me some
confidence for the future.
To me the
wanting to learn, and to some extent the want to read, are two very important
things that are missing from the youth.
You can blame the internet, video games, modern music, or whatever but
what I think it comes down to is an overstimulation. Kids are so overstimulated with sights,
sounds, tastes, and smells that sitting down to read a book or put their focus
on one single subject is like a slow painful death to them. They are addicted to that stimulation and
will satisfy it somehow.
Speaking of
college kids, seeing kids that I knew when they were in eighth grade come back
from their first or second year of college makes me feel incredibly old. These kids were born in the mid 90’s. When someone says, “Yeah, that was like ten
years ago.” my first thought is, “Yeah, like 1998….Shit.” So it goes.
everybody, take a knee. I’ve got an
announcement. As many of you know I was
born and raised, went to school, and worked in Wisconsin. Well, a Siren by the name of Amy has stolen
my heart and lured me down to Illinois.
I will be moving at the end of July.
I’ll give
you a minute to pick your jaws up off the floor.
good. In all seriousness this change has
been coming for a while. We decided to
move forward with it in February. To my
NX Level family, you guys were the one thing that was holding me back from
pulling the trigger on it earlier. I love ya'll that much. I’ve
built up some awesome relationships that I’m sure will last a lifetime; it’s
just going to be hard not seeing you every day and helping you achieve your
Whenever a big change like this
happens I always try to focus on the good and be glad for the experiences and
the people and not be sad that it’s ending.
So again thank you to all of the people who have had a positive impact
on my life in Wisconsin. I am truly grateful
and will miss the shit out of all of you.
I think that’s a good way to end this week. Have an awesome rest of the weekend and get outside and soak up some vitamin D.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
What A Beautiful Snatch You Have!
Ah, the snatch.
It is, without a doubt, my favorite exercise to watch and perform. The finely-tuned mechanics coupled with
otherworldly raw power required to be the best in the world make it a spectacle
to see. In case you are unfamiliar, the
snatch requires the lifter to bring the bar from the ground to overhead in one
motion. Here is Dmitry Klokov, one of
the best weightlifters in the world, doing his thing with 205 kilos. For all of us ‘Mericans, that’s 451 lbs. Sheeeeit.
Up until my summer internship in 2006 at NX Level I was only somewhat aware of the lift. I had never done it before. Since we have our athletes perform the hang version I had to learn myself up quick. I’m not afraid to say that I was definitely afraid of doing it with any kind of serious weight. By then I had seen what could happen if you let an elbow or shoulder get a little lose during the lift. But I started slowly with an empty bar and became mildly proficient at it to the point that I could teach it to athletes.
If you are thinking
about using the snatch in your training or want to see what kind of weight you
can do I would strongly urge you to seek out a coach who can teach you the
proper way to perform the lift safely.
There is even a chance that the snatch will not be a lift that you can
perform safely due to underlying movement dysfunctions whether it be immobile
hips or tight shoulders or some other contraindication. If you don’t get a qualified coach you could
end up like these clowns. That would be
Up until my summer internship in 2006 at NX Level I was only somewhat aware of the lift. I had never done it before. Since we have our athletes perform the hang version I had to learn myself up quick. I’m not afraid to say that I was definitely afraid of doing it with any kind of serious weight. By then I had seen what could happen if you let an elbow or shoulder get a little lose during the lift. But I started slowly with an empty bar and became mildly proficient at it to the point that I could teach it to athletes.
We don’t test our athlete’s max on the lift however
and never do the full lift (from the platform).
We use it as a means to an end.
From an athletic performance standpoint the snatch is great for teaching
and developing explosive power through what is called the triple
extension. This is the rapid and
forceful straightening of the hip knees and ankles. This is what happens in the lower body during
a jump, acceleration, and a bone-jarring tackle.
In the little over five years since I first started
doing the lift it has come and gone a couple of times in my training. Because of this there is one definite that I
can tell you about the lift. To be good
at it you have to do it. A lot.
Performing the snatch doesn’t make you
stronger, per se. The weight is usually too low
to get any kind of adaptation from it.
Performing the snatch relatively often in your training, like 2-5 times
per week, makes you more efficient at the snatch. Squats, dead lifts, and presses will make you
stronger in the positions that you are put in during the execution of the
lift. Snatching and becoming more efficient
ensures there is no wasted effort or faulty mechanics that will cause a missed
lift. My best effort in the lift came
when I was practicing it three times per week (100 kilos or 220 lbs. in case
you were wondering!). To me that’s why I
like it. It requires great efforts of
strength, technical prowess and concentration.
It’s a lifter’s lift.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Weekend Update: Memorial Day Edition
Bent Rows: 265x1231,
Squat: 405 x
14 total reps
8 rounds of:
Military Press: 175x1
Dead Lift:
recover-style workout
Not going to
lie. Every day, except for maybe
Tuesday, felt like a pile of shit. I
have definitely accumulated the fatigue I was hoping to. Now I’m going to do no training until Tuesday
to rest up. Most would take a full week
off in this case. I don’t think I need a
full week. I just need to get some
quality calories in me and do one or two more recovery type workouts (which are
mostly mobility and flexibility drills anyways) and I should be good to go on Tuesday. Here is how I’m going plan it out.
Monday: Light
recovery work
Heavy Squat, Moderate-Heavy strict military press, upper back/scapula stability
Light recovery or conditioning or both
Light recovery or conditioning or both
Heavy bench press, moderate-heavy dead lift, upper back/scapula stability
Light recovery or conditioning or both
Sunday: Off
Notes: Light recovery work is the small accessory
lifts that I usually don’t feel like doing at the end of sessions like reverse
hypers, face pulls, arms, calves, etc…. Dead lift work is going to take the
form of single leg work for at least a few weeks and will then transition into
trap bar and then after a few months straight bar work…I’ve always lifted heavy
at least three days per week so I’m kind of excited to see where only two heavy
days and the extra recovery will take me….Carbs will be very high on my heavy
days and low to moderate on the recovery and conditioning days depending on what
my activity levels were and where my weight is at…Conditioning is going to be
sprints, prowler pushes, or hill sprints.
No need to over complicate it…Fridays, regardless of what I, or anyone
else, is doing, are now tank top or basketball jersey Fridays. Plan accordingly.
The Reign Man! |
wedding is going down this weekend. My
cousin Sara is getting married in Green Bay on Saturday. I’m looking forward to seeing my family as it’s
usually only Christmas that I do. I’m
going to do my best to get my dad drunk.
It should be a good time.
I’ve been
kind of slow in getting articles up lately but don’t worry; I’ve got a few in
the works right now. It’s all about
finding time to do the research and put my thoughts on the page. It can be a lot harder than you think.
Now, on to
the good stuff. Memorial Day Weekend is
upon us in this great land of ours and I kept help but feel immense gratitude
for those that have served in the military.
It’s a calling that I myself resisted and let fall upon another.
At some
point or another we all bitch about something in this country, whether it be
war, politics, religion, the economy and the countless other things that
ultimately don’t really matter. What
does matter is that we give thanks to those that have put themselves in harm’s
way to enable us to bitch about these
trivial matters. We can argue abortion
until we’re all blue in the face and absolutely no one will change their
What we lose sight of is the fact that there are those in the military that will literally step in front of a bullet aimed at the original document, written over two hundred years ago, that granted us the freedom to waste time in that way. So this weekend if you know a vet or even just see one on your travels thank them for their service. They’ll appreciate it and you may even get a badass story out of it. Now go do something that the troops would be proud of.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Weekend Update: Fatigue, NX Level, and A Whole Lotta Chest Hair
Rows: 260X123123123
DB Bench
Press: 3x10
Dips/ Face
Pulls/ Curls circuit
Bulgarian Split Squat: 5x10
Clean and
Push Press: 210x123123123
DB Bench:
Single Arm
Row: 4x8
Dead Lift:
485x12312312111 (holy shit this sucked)
Holy crap I
am feeling it this week. The fatigue
from the last five weeks has definitely caught up with me. My shoulder prevented me from doing barbell
bench press on my upper body days.
Pendlay rows felt crazy heavy. Dead
Lifts on Friday completely wiped me out.
Squats… felt pretty good. That’s
the way it goes usually. One or two
lifts will be going awesome while others stagnate or slide back a bit. I completed all the reps I set out to complete
so I can’t be too upset.
Next week is
the last week of this accumulation phase.
I’ll probably repeat the weights from this week. After that I’m going to take a few days to
rest up and then I’m going to switch to a max strength phase. Intensity (weight being used) is going to
stay high but my volume will drop way down.
I’m going to be working in the 1-3 rep range on my main lifts and then
in the 6-10 rep range for my accessory.
The sets will be way less than what I’ve been doing.
I’m going to
have two heavy sessions each week and two or three light sessions each
week. I’m going to write up two or three
heavy workouts for upper and lower body and the same for the light
workouts. I’ll then just rotate the
workouts. So week one will be heavy
upper and lower #1 and week two will be heavy upper and lower #2. It’s kind of hard to explain so I’ll lay it
out in a future post.
I’m going to
an engagement party today for my friends Lance and Katie. I’ve never been to one before. I heard the dress is going to be business
romantic so I’ll be keeping the top two buttons of my shirt unbuttoned, my
chest hair dancing in the wind. Not sure
what’s more romantic than that.
With this
accumulation phase I’ve been eating a lot on my lifting days (weekends
too). I’ve gotten my weight to be
consistent around 200 pounds. This is
where I want to stay. Once I switch to
my max strength phase I’ll work to keep my weight at 200 but slowly (talking
months to yearish) dropping fat while building up muscle. Recomposition diets can be effective but you
have to give them a while to see any results.
Dropping fat or gaining weight can be done relatively quickly but doing
both at the same time is difficult at best.
It’s hard to sit on two horses with one ass.
NX Level
celebrated its 7th year anniversary this past week. I’ve been there for just under six and it’s
been amazing to watch it grow into what it is.
Awesome clients and a great group of trainers that care more about
results and building lasting relationships with clients than the bottom
line. In most things if you take care of
the former the latter will work its way out.
Get your ass here if you care about sports. |
I went a
little crazy on Amazon a few weeks ago and now have a stack of five books or so
that I need to get through. Some are on
training concepts and others are just books that I wanted to read. This means I’ll probably be doing a
recommended reading post again in the future.
If anyone has any suggestions on some good reading materials I’m all
That’s all I got for this week. I hope everyone does some awesome stuff this weekend. Because if you don’t then what the hell is the point?
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